Tips and ideas for everyday lifeTips and ideas for everyday lifeTipps und Ideen für den AlltagTipps und Ideen für den AlltagConsejos e ideas para la vida diariaConseils et idées pour le jour ordinaireConsigli e idee per la vita quotidianaWskazówki i pomysły na życie codzienneGünlük yaşam için ipuçları ve fikirlerПоради та ідеї для повсякденного життяСоветы и идеи для повседневной жизниنصائح وأفكار للحياة اليومية - فيრჩევები და იდეები ყოველდღიური ცხოვრებისათვისPadomi un idejas ikdienas dzīveiTips och idéer för vardagenSavjeti i ideje za svakodnevni život关于日常生活的小提示和新想法Καθημερινές ιδέες και ενασχολήσεις για παιδιά
At home with children in Corona timesAt home with children in Corona timesZuhause mit Kindern in Corona Zeiten Zuhause mit Kindern in Corona ZeitenEn casa con los niños en tiempos de CoronaÀ la maison avec les enfants à l'époque de CoronaA casa con i bambini al tempo di CoronaW domu z dziećmi w czasach KoronawirusaEvde Corona zamanlarında çocuklarlaВдома з дітьми в часи КорониДома с детьми во времена Короныالمنزل مع الأطفال في أوقات كوروناკორონაში ბავშვებთან სახლშიMājās ar bērniem Koronas laikosHemma med barn i Corona-tiderKod kuće s djecom u vrijeme Corone在新冠期间和孩子一起待在家里επι καιρώ Κορωνοϊού και Καραντίνας.

Writing letters to friends and relatives
Writing letters to friends and relatives
Briefe schreiben an Freund*innen und Verwandte
Briefe schreiben an Freund*innen und Verwandte
Escribir cartas a amigos y familiares
écrire des lettres à des amis et à des apparentés
Scrivere lettere ad amici e parenti
Pisanie listów do przyjaciół i krewnych
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Пишіть листи друзям та родичам
Письма друзьям и родственникам
كتابة رسائل للأصدقاء والأقارب
დაწერეთ წერილები მეგობრებს, ოჯახის წევრებს
Rakstiet vēstules draugiem, ģimenes locekļiem
Skriv brev till vänner och släktingar
Pišite pisma prijateljima i rođacima
Γράψτε επιστολές σε φίλους και συγγενείς
Rent a pedal boat or canoe. If there is a lake or river nearby, you can try it there. However, you should go there with your parents or other adults.
Rent a pedal boat or canoe. If there is a lake or river nearby, you can try it there. However, you should go there with your parents or other adults.
Leihe dir ein Tretboot oder Paddelboot aus. Wenn es bei dir einen See oder Fluss in der Nähe gibt, kannst du das dort ausprobieren. Allerdings solltest du mit deinen Eltern oder anderen Erwachsenen dorthin gehen.
Leihe dir ein Tretboot oder Paddelboot aus. Wenn es bei dir einen See oder Fluss in der Nähe gibt, kannst du das dort ausprobieren. Allerdings solltest du mit deinen Eltern oder anderen Erwachsenen dorthin gehen.
Rent a pedal boat or canoe. If there is a lake or river nearby, you can try it there. However, you should go there with your parents or other adults.
Rent a pedal boat or canoe. If there is a lake or river nearby, you can try it there. However, you should go there with your parents or other adults.
Rent a pedal boat or canoe. If there is a lake or river nearby, you can try it there. However, you should go there with your parents or other adults.
Rent a pedal boat or canoe. If there is a lake or river nearby, you can try it there. However, you should go there with your parents or other adults.
Rent a pedal boat or canoe. If there is a lake or river nearby, you can try it there. However, you should go there with your parents or other adults.
Rent a pedal boat or canoe. If there is a lake or river nearby, you can try it there. However, you should go there with your parents or other adults.
Rent a pedal boat or canoe. If there is a lake or river nearby, you can try it there. However, you should go there with your parents or other adults.
Rent a pedal boat or canoe. If there is a lake or river nearby, you can try it there. However, you should go there with your parents or other adults.
Rent a pedal boat or canoe. If there is a lake or river nearby, you can try it there. However, you should go there with your parents or other adults.
Rent a pedal boat or canoe. If there is a lake or river nearby, you can try it there. However, you should go there with your parents or other adults.
Rent a pedal boat or canoe. If there is a lake or river nearby, you can try it there. However, you should go there with your parents or other adults.
Rent a pedal boat or canoe. If there is a lake or river nearby, you can try it there. However, you should go there with your parents or other adults.
Rent a pedal boat or canoe. If there is a lake or river nearby, you can try it there. However, you should go there with your parents or other adults.
Rent a pedal boat or canoe. If there is a lake or river nearby, you can try it there. However, you should go there with your parents or other adults.
You can go high up in climbing parks or high ropes courses! Most of them are located in a forest and have different levels of height and difficulty. For the more adventurous among you, this is just the thing!
You can go high up in climbing parks or high ropes courses! Most of them are located in a forest and have different levels of height and difficulty. For the more adventurous among you, this is just the thing!
Hoch hinaus geht es in Kletterparks oder Hochseilgärten! Meistens sind sie in einem Wald gelegen und besitzen verschiedene Höhen- und Schwierigkeitsstufen. Für die Abenteuerlustigen unter euch ist das genau das Richtige!
Hoch hinaus geht es in Kletterparks oder Hochseilgärten! Meistens sind sie in einem Wald gelegen und besitzen verschiedene Höhen- und Schwierigkeitsstufen. Für die Abenteuerlustigen unter euch ist das genau das Richtige!
You can go high up in climbing parks or high ropes courses! Most of them are located in a forest and have different levels of height and difficulty. For the more adventurous among you, this is just the thing!
You can go high up in climbing parks or high ropes courses! Most of them are located in a forest and have different levels of height and difficulty. For the more adventurous among you, this is just the thing!
You can go high up in climbing parks or high ropes courses! Most of them are located in a forest and have different levels of height and difficulty. For the more adventurous among you, this is just the thing!
You can go high up in climbing parks or high ropes courses! Most of them are located in a forest and have different levels of height and difficulty. For the more adventurous among you, this is just the thing!
You can go high up in climbing parks or high ropes courses! Most of them are located in a forest and have different levels of height and difficulty. For the more adventurous among you, this is just the thing!
You can go high up in climbing parks or high ropes courses! Most of them are located in a forest and have different levels of height and difficulty. For the more adventurous among you, this is just the thing!
You can go high up in climbing parks or high ropes courses! Most of them are located in a forest and have different levels of height and difficulty. For the more adventurous among you, this is just the thing!
You can go high up in climbing parks or high ropes courses! Most of them are located in a forest and have different levels of height and difficulty. For the more adventurous among you, this is just the thing!
You can go high up in climbing parks or high ropes courses! Most of them are located in a forest and have different levels of height and difficulty. For the more adventurous among you, this is just the thing!
You can go high up in climbing parks or high ropes courses! Most of them are located in a forest and have different levels of height and difficulty. For the more adventurous among you, this is just the thing!
You can go high up in climbing parks or high ropes courses! Most of them are located in a forest and have different levels of height and difficulty. For the more adventurous among you, this is just the thing!
You can go high up in climbing parks or high ropes courses! Most of them are located in a forest and have different levels of height and difficulty. For the more adventurous among you, this is just the thing!
You can go high up in climbing parks or high ropes courses! Most of them are located in a forest and have different levels of height and difficulty. For the more adventurous among you, this is just the thing!
You can go high up in climbing parks or high ropes courses! Most of them are located in a forest and have different levels of height and difficulty. For the more adventurous among you, this is just the thing!
Almost everywhere in nature you can have a good picnic. Whether in parks, in the forest, by a lake or in a meadow, you only need a blanket to sit on and take delicious food and snacks with you.
Almost everywhere in nature you can have a good picnic. Whether in parks, in the forest, by a lake or in a meadow, you only need a blanket to sit on and take delicious food and snacks with you.
Fast überall in der Natur kann man gut picknicken. Egal, ob in Parks, im Wald, an einem See oder auf einer Wiese, du brauchst nur eine Decke zum Draufsetzen und leckeres Essen und Snacks mitzunehmen.
Fast überall in der Natur kann man gut picknicken. Egal, ob in Parks, im Wald, an einem See oder auf einer Wiese, du brauchst nur eine Decke zum Draufsetzen und leckeres Essen und Snacks mitzunehmen.
Almost everywhere in nature you can have a good picnic. Whether in parks, in the forest, by a lake or in a meadow, you only need a blanket to sit on and take delicious food and snacks with you.
Almost everywhere in nature you can have a good picnic. Whether in parks, in the forest, by a lake or in a meadow, you only need a blanket to sit on and take delicious food and snacks with you.
Almost everywhere in nature you can have a good picnic. Whether in parks, in the forest, by a lake or in a meadow, you only need a blanket to sit on and take delicious food and snacks with you.
Almost everywhere in nature you can have a good picnic. Whether in parks, in the forest, by a lake or in a meadow, you only need a blanket to sit on and take delicious food and snacks with you.
Almost everywhere in nature you can have a good picnic. Whether in parks, in the forest, by a lake or in a meadow, you only need a blanket to sit on and take delicious food and snacks with you.
Almost everywhere in nature you can have a good picnic. Whether in parks, in the forest, by a lake or in a meadow, you only need a blanket to sit on and take delicious food and snacks with you.
Almost everywhere in nature you can have a good picnic. Whether in parks, in the forest, by a lake or in a meadow, you only need a blanket to sit on and take delicious food and snacks with you.
Almost everywhere in nature you can have a good picnic. Whether in parks, in the forest, by a lake or in a meadow, you only need a blanket to sit on and take delicious food and snacks with you.
Almost everywhere in nature you can have a good picnic. Whether in parks, in the forest, by a lake or in a meadow, you only need a blanket to sit on and take delicious food and snacks with you.
Almost everywhere in nature you can have a good picnic. Whether in parks, in the forest, by a lake or in a meadow, you only need a blanket to sit on and take delicious food and snacks with you.
Almost everywhere in nature you can have a good picnic. Whether in parks, in the forest, by a lake or in a meadow, you only need a blanket to sit on and take delicious food and snacks with you.
Almost everywhere in nature you can have a good picnic. Whether in parks, in the forest, by a lake or in a meadow, you only need a blanket to sit on and take delicious food and snacks with you.
Almost everywhere in nature you can have a good picnic. Whether in parks, in the forest, by a lake or in a meadow, you only need a blanket to sit on and take delicious food and snacks with you.
Almost everywhere in nature you can have a good picnic. Whether in parks, in the forest, by a lake or in a meadow, you only need a blanket to sit on and take delicious food and snacks with you.
For the water rats among you: go to the outdoor pool or the swimming lake
For the water rats among you: go to the outdoor pool or the swimming lake
Für die Wasserratten unter euch: geht ins Freibad oder an den Badesee
Für die Wasserratten unter euch: geht ins Freibad oder an den Badesee
For the water rats among you: go to the outdoor pool or the swimming lake
For the water rats among you: go to the outdoor pool or the swimming lake
For the water rats among you: go to the outdoor pool or the swimming lake
For the water rats among you: go to the outdoor pool or the swimming lake
For the water rats among you: go to the outdoor pool or the swimming lake
For the water rats among you: go to the outdoor pool or the swimming lake
For the water rats among you: go to the outdoor pool or the swimming lake
For the water rats among you: go to the outdoor pool or the swimming lake
For the water rats among you: go to the outdoor pool or the swimming lake
For the water rats among you: go to the outdoor pool or the swimming lake
For the water rats among you: go to the outdoor pool or the swimming lake
For the water rats among you: go to the outdoor pool or the swimming lake
For the water rats among you: go to the outdoor pool or the swimming lake
For the water rats among you: go to the outdoor pool or the swimming lake
If it's windy outside, you can fly a kite. The best place to do this is in a meadow with lots of space around you.
If it's windy outside, you can fly a kite. The best place to do this is in a meadow with lots of space around you.
Wenn es windig draußen ist, könnt ihr einen Drachen steigen lassen. Geht dazu am besten auf eine Wiese mit viel Platz um euch herum.
Wenn es windig draußen ist, könnt ihr einen Drachen steigen lassen. Geht dazu am besten auf eine Wiese mit viel Platz um euch herum.
If it's windy outside, you can fly a kite. The best place to do this is in a meadow with lots of space around you.
If it's windy outside, you can fly a kite. The best place to do this is in a meadow with lots of space around you.
If it's windy outside, you can fly a kite. The best place to do this is in a meadow with lots of space around you.
If it's windy outside, you can fly a kite. The best place to do this is in a meadow with lots of space around you.
If it's windy outside, you can fly a kite. The best place to do this is in a meadow with lots of space around you.
If it's windy outside, you can fly a kite. The best place to do this is in a meadow with lots of space around you.
If it's windy outside, you can fly a kite. The best place to do this is in a meadow with lots of space around you.
If it's windy outside, you can fly a kite. The best place to do this is in a meadow with lots of space around you.
If it's windy outside, you can fly a kite. The best place to do this is in a meadow with lots of space around you.
If it's windy outside, you can fly a kite. The best place to do this is in a meadow with lots of space around you.
If it's windy outside, you can fly a kite. The best place to do this is in a meadow with lots of space around you.
If it's windy outside, you can fly a kite. The best place to do this is in a meadow with lots of space around you.
If it's windy outside, you can fly a kite. The best place to do this is in a meadow with lots of space around you.
If it's windy outside, you can fly a kite. The best place to do this is in a meadow with lots of space around you.
For exercise in the fresh air, take a bike ride. Maybe you will pass an ice cream parlour on the way for a break?
For exercise in the fresh air, take a bike ride. Maybe you will pass an ice cream parlour on the way for a break?
Für Bewegung an der frischen Luft, mache eine Fahrradtour. Vielleicht kommt ihr auf dem Weg zum Beispiel an einer Eisdiele für eine Pause vorbei?
Für Bewegung an der frischen Luft, mache eine Fahrradtour. Vielleicht kommt ihr auf dem Weg zum Beispiel an einer Eisdiele für eine Pause vorbei?
For exercise in the fresh air, take a bike ride. Maybe you will pass an ice cream parlour on the way for a break?
For exercise in the fresh air, take a bike ride. Maybe you will pass an ice cream parlour on the way for a break?
For exercise in the fresh air, take a bike ride. Maybe you will pass an ice cream parlour on the way for a break?
For exercise in the fresh air, take a bike ride. Maybe you will pass an ice cream parlour on the way for a break?
For exercise in the fresh air, take a bike ride. Maybe you will pass an ice cream parlour on the way for a break?
For exercise in the fresh air, take a bike ride. Maybe you will pass an ice cream parlour on the way for a break?
For exercise in the fresh air, take a bike ride. Maybe you will pass an ice cream parlour on the way for a break?
For exercise in the fresh air, take a bike ride. Maybe you will pass an ice cream parlour on the way for a break?
For exercise in the fresh air, take a bike ride. Maybe you will pass an ice cream parlour on the way for a break?
For exercise in the fresh air, take a bike ride. Maybe you will pass an ice cream parlour on the way for a break?
For exercise in the fresh air, take a bike ride. Maybe you will pass an ice cream parlour on the way for a break?
For exercise in the fresh air, take a bike ride. Maybe you will pass an ice cream parlour on the way for a break?
For exercise in the fresh air, take a bike ride. Maybe you will pass an ice cream parlour on the way for a break?
For exercise in the fresh air, take a bike ride. Maybe you will pass an ice cream parlour on the way for a break?
Who is the first to get the ball through the obstacles while playing mini golf?
Who is the first to get the ball through the obstacles while playing mini golf?
Wer schafft es als erstes den Ball beim Minigolf spielen durch die Hindernisse zu befördern?
Wer schafft es als erstes den Ball beim Minigolf spielen durch die Hindernisse zu befördern?
Who is the first to get the ball through the obstacles while playing mini golf?
Who is the first to get the ball through the obstacles while playing mini golf?
Who is the first to get the ball through the obstacles while playing mini golf?
Who is the first to get the ball through the obstacles while playing mini golf?
Who is the first to get the ball through the obstacles while playing mini golf?
Who is the first to get the ball through the obstacles while playing mini golf?
Who is the first to get the ball through the obstacles while playing mini golf?
Who is the first to get the ball through the obstacles while playing mini golf?
Who is the first to get the ball through the obstacles while playing mini golf?
Who is the first to get the ball through the obstacles while playing mini golf?
Who is the first to get the ball through the obstacles while playing mini golf?
Who is the first to get the ball through the obstacles while playing mini golf?
Who is the first to get the ball through the obstacles while playing mini golf?
Who is the first to get the ball through the obstacles while playing mini golf?
In the wildlife park, animal park or zoo you can observe different animals. In the petting zoo you can even pet and feed them.
In the wildlife park, animal park or zoo you can observe different animals. In the petting zoo you can even pet and feed them.
Im Wildpark, Tiergarten oder Zoo könnt ihr verschiedene Tiere beobachten. Im Streichelzoo darfst du sie sogar streicheln und füttern.
Im Wildpark, Tiergarten oder Zoo könnt ihr verschiedene Tiere beobachten. Im Streichelzoo darfst du sie sogar streicheln und füttern.
In the wildlife park, animal park or zoo you can observe different animals. In the petting zoo you can even pet and feed them.
In the wildlife park, animal park or zoo you can observe different animals. In the petting zoo you can even pet and feed them.
In the wildlife park, animal park or zoo you can observe different animals. In the petting zoo you can even pet and feed them.
In the wildlife park, animal park or zoo you can observe different animals. In the petting zoo you can even pet and feed them.
In the wildlife park, animal park or zoo you can observe different animals. In the petting zoo you can even pet and feed them.
In the wildlife park, animal park or zoo you can observe different animals. In the petting zoo you can even pet and feed them.
In the wildlife park, animal park or zoo you can observe different animals. In the petting zoo you can even pet and feed them.
In the wildlife park, animal park or zoo you can observe different animals. In the petting zoo you can even pet and feed them.
In the wildlife park, animal park or zoo you can observe different animals. In the petting zoo you can even pet and feed them.
In the wildlife park, animal park or zoo you can observe different animals. In the petting zoo you can even pet and feed them.
In the wildlife park, animal park or zoo you can observe different animals. In the petting zoo you can even pet and feed them.
In the wildlife park, animal park or zoo you can observe different animals. In the petting zoo you can even pet and feed them.
In the wildlife park, animal park or zoo you can observe different animals. In the petting zoo you can even pet and feed them.
In the wildlife park, animal park or zoo you can observe different animals. In the petting zoo you can even pet and feed them.
For a water fight in the garden, all you need is balloons, which you can easily fill with water and tie them. Let's go!
For a water fight in the garden, all you need is balloons, which you can easily fill with water and tie them. Let's go!
Für eine Wasserschlacht im Garten braucht ihr nur Luftballons, die ihr ganz einfach mit Wasser füllen und zuknoten könnt. Los geht’s!
Für eine Wasserschlacht im Garten braucht ihr nur Luftballons, die ihr ganz einfach mit Wasser füllen und zuknoten könnt. Los geht’s!
For a water fight in the garden, all you need is balloons, which you can easily fill with water and tie them. Let's go!
For a water fight in the garden, all you need is balloons, which you can easily fill with water and tie them. Let's go!
For a water fight in the garden, all you need is balloons, which you can easily fill with water and tie them. Let's go!
For a water fight in the garden, all you need is balloons, which you can easily fill with water and tie them. Let's go!
For a water fight in the garden, all you need is balloons, which you can easily fill with water and tie them. Let's go!
For a water fight in the garden, all you need is balloons, which you can easily fill with water and tie them. Let's go!
For a water fight in the garden, all you need is balloons, which you can easily fill with water and tie them. Let's go!
For a water fight in the garden, all you need is balloons, which you can easily fill with water and tie them. Let's go!
For a water fight in the garden, all you need is balloons, which you can easily fill with water and tie them. Let's go!
For a water fight in the garden, all you need is balloons, which you can easily fill with water and tie them. Let's go!
For a water fight in the garden, all you need is balloons, which you can easily fill with water and tie them. Let's go!
For a water fight in the garden, all you need is balloons, which you can easily fill with water and tie them. Let's go!
For a water fight in the garden, all you need is balloons, which you can easily fill with water and tie them. Let's go!
For a water fight in the garden, all you need is balloons, which you can easily fill with water and tie them. Let's go!
Make a campfire with your parents in the grill with campfire breadsticks and marshmallows
Make a campfire with your parents in the grill with campfire breadsticks and marshmallows
Mache mit deinen Eltern ein Lagerfeuer im Grill mit Stockbrot und Marshmallows
Mache mit deinen Eltern ein Lagerfeuer im Grill mit Stockbrot und Marshmallows
Make a campfire with your parents in the grill with campfire breadsticks and marshmallows
Make a campfire with your parents in the grill with campfire breadsticks and marshmallows
Make a campfire with your parents in the grill with campfire breadsticks and marshmallows
Make a campfire with your parents in the grill with campfire breadsticks and marshmallows
Make a campfire with your parents in the grill with campfire breadsticks and marshmallows
Make a campfire with your parents in the grill with campfire breadsticks and marshmallows
Make a campfire with your parents in the grill with campfire breadsticks and marshmallows
Make a campfire with your parents in the grill with campfire breadsticks and marshmallows
Make a campfire with your parents in the grill with campfire breadsticks and marshmallows
Make a campfire with your parents in the grill with campfire breadsticks and marshmallows
Make a campfire with your parents in the grill with campfire breadsticks and marshmallows
Make a campfire with your parents in the grill with campfire breadsticks and marshmallows
Make a campfire with your parents in the grill with campfire breadsticks and marshmallows
Make a campfire with your parents in the grill with campfire breadsticks and marshmallows
At Instagram you can also find more ideas for handicrafting here:
At Instagram you can also find more ideas for handicrafting here:
Bei Instagram findest du außerdem hier noch weitere Bastelideen:
Bei Instagram findest du außerdem hier noch weitere Bastelideen:
At Instagram you can also find more ideas for handicrafting here:
At Instagram you can also find more ideas for handicrafting here:
At Instagram you can also find more ideas for handicrafting here:
At Instagram you can also find more ideas for handicrafting here:
At Instagram you can also find more ideas for handicrafting here:
At Instagram you can also find more ideas for handicrafting here:
At Instagram you can also find more ideas for handicrafting here:
At Instagram you can also find more ideas for handicrafting here:
At Instagram you can also find more ideas for handicrafting here:
At Instagram you can also find more ideas for handicrafting here:
At Instagram you can also find more ideas for handicrafting here:
At Instagram you can also find more ideas for handicrafting here:
At Instagram you can also find more ideas for handicrafting here:
At Instagram you can also find more ideas for handicrafting here:
Stand Up Paddling is not as hard as it looks. If there is a lake or river nearby, you might find a rental station where you can rent boards with your parents or other adults.
Stand Up Paddling is not as hard as it looks. If there is a lake or river nearby, you might find a rental station where you can rent boards with your parents or other adults.
Stehpaddeln ist gar nicht so schwer, wie es aussieht. Wenn es bei dir einen See oder Fluss in der Nähe gibt, findet du dort vielleicht auch eine Verleihstation, wo du mit deinen Eltern oder anderen Erwachsenen Bretter ausleihen kannst.
Stehpaddeln ist gar nicht so schwer, wie es aussieht. Wenn es bei dir einen See oder Fluss in der Nähe gibt, findet du dort vielleicht auch eine Verleihstation, wo du mit deinen Eltern oder anderen Erwachsenen Bretter ausleihen kannst.
Stand Up Paddling is not as hard as it looks. If there is a lake or river nearby, you might find a rental station where you can rent boards with your parents or other adults.
Stand Up Paddling is not as hard as it looks. If there is a lake or river nearby, you might find a rental station where you can rent boards with your parents or other adults.
Stand Up Paddling is not as hard as it looks. If there is a lake or river nearby, you might find a rental station where you can rent boards with your parents or other adults.
Stand Up Paddling is not as hard as it looks. If there is a lake or river nearby, you might find a rental station where you can rent boards with your parents or other adults.
Stand Up Paddling is not as hard as it looks. If there is a lake or river nearby, you might find a rental station where you can rent boards with your parents or other adults.
Stand Up Paddling is not as hard as it looks. If there is a lake or river nearby, you might find a rental station where you can rent boards with your parents or other adults.
Stand Up Paddling is not as hard as it looks. If there is a lake or river nearby, you might find a rental station where you can rent boards with your parents or other adults.
Stand Up Paddling is not as hard as it looks. If there is a lake or river nearby, you might find a rental station where you can rent boards with your parents or other adults.
Stand Up Paddling is not as hard as it looks. If there is a lake or river nearby, you might find a rental station where you can rent boards with your parents or other adults.
Stand Up Paddling is not as hard as it looks. If there is a lake or river nearby, you might find a rental station where you can rent boards with your parents or other adults.
Stand Up Paddling is not as hard as it looks. If there is a lake or river nearby, you might find a rental station where you can rent boards with your parents or other adults.
Stand Up Paddling is not as hard as it looks. If there is a lake or river nearby, you might find a rental station where you can rent boards with your parents or other adults.
Stand Up Paddling is not as hard as it looks. If there is a lake or river nearby, you might find a rental station where you can rent boards with your parents or other adults.
Stand Up Paddling is not as hard as it looks. If there is a lake or river nearby, you might find a rental station where you can rent boards with your parents or other adults.
10-20 things to hide in the apartment, children must find them
10-20 things to hide in the apartment, children must find them
10-20 Dinge in der Wohnung verstecken, Kinder dürfen suchen.
10-20 Dinge in der Wohnung verstecken, Kinder dürfen suchen.
10-20 cosas para esconder en el apartamento, los niños deben encontrarlas
10 à 20 choses cachent dans l'appartement, les enfants peuvent les chercher.
10-20 cose da nascondere nell'appartamento, i bambini devono trovarle
10-20 rzeczy do ukrycia w mieszkaniu, dzieci muszą je znaleźć
Evde 10-20 şeyi saklayabilir, çocuklar arayabilir.
Сховати 10-20 речей у квартирі, діти можуть шукати.
10-20 вещей, чтобы спрятаться в квартире, дети должны их найти.
إخفاء 10-20 شيء في الشقة ، يمكن للأطفال البحث.
10 ბინაში 10-20 ნივთის დამალვა, ბავშვებმა უნდა იპოვონ ისინი
Slēpjot 10-20 lietas dzīvoklī, bērniem tās jāatrod
Dölj 10-20 saker i lägenheten, barnen får söka.
Sakrijte 10-20 stvari u stanu, djeca mogu pretraživati.
Κρύψε 10-20 Αντικείμενα στο διαμέρισμα και άφησε τα παιδιά να τα εντοπίσουν.
Put on clothes in the colours of the logo
Put on clothes in the colours of the logo
Zieht euch Kleidung in den Farben des Logos an
Zieht euch Kleidung in den Farben des Logos an
Ponte ropa con los colores del logo
Mettez des vêtements aux couleurs du logo
Mettiti i vestiti con i colori del logo
Załóż ubrania w kolorach logo
Logonun renklerindee giysiler giyinin
Одягніть одяг у кольорах логотипу
Наденьте одежду в цвета логотипа
ارتدي ملابس بألوان الشعار
განათავსეთ ტანსაცმელი, რომელიც შეესაბამება ლოგოს ფერებს.
Uzvelciet drēbes, kas atbilst logotipa krāsām.
Ta på dig kläder i logotypens färger
Obucite odjeću u bojama logotipa
Φόρεσε ρούχα στα χρώματα του λογότυπου.
Try to copy the logo of the website and upload it to our Online Gallery!
Try to copy the logo of the website and upload it to our Online Gallery!
Versucht das Logo der Website nachzumalen und ladet es in unsere Online Galerie hoch!
Versucht das Logo der Website nachzumalen und ladet es in unsere Online Galerie hoch!
¡Intenta copiar el logo de la página web y súbelo a nuestra Galería Online!
Essayez de copier le logo du site web et de le charger dans notre galerie en ligne !
Provate a copiare il logo del sito web e caricatelo nella nostra Galleria Online!
Spróbuj skopiować logo strony i wgraj je do naszej Galerii Internetowej!
Web sitesi logosunun aynısını boyamaya ve Online galerimize yüklemeye çalışın!
Спробуйте відтворити логотип веб-сайту та завантажити його в нашу онлайн-галерею!
Попробуйте скопировать логотип сайта и загрузить его в нашу онлайн галерею!
حاول رسم شعار الموقع وتحميله على معرضنا على الإنترنت!
შეეცადეთ ხელახლა შექმნათ ვებგვერდის ლოგო და გსურთ ატვირთოთ იგი ჩვენს ონლაინ გალერეაში!
Mēģiniet atjaunot vietnes logotipu un vēlaties to augšupielādēt mūsu tiešsaistes galerijā!
Försök att måla webbplatsens logotyp och ladda upp den till vårt onlinegalleri!
Pokušaj ponovno stvoriti logotip web stranice i učitati ga u našu mrežnu galeriju!
Προσπάθησε να ζωγραφίσεις το λογότυπο της Ιστοσελίδας μας και μεταφόρτωσέ το στην διαδικτυακή μας γκαλερί.
Yoga for children
Yoga for children
Yoga für Kinder
Yoga für Kinder
Yoga para niños
Le yoga pour les enfants
Yoga per bambini
Joga dla dzieci
Çocuklar için yoga
Йога для дітей
Йога для детей
اليوغا للأطفال
საბავშვო იოგა იუთუბზე
Joga bērniem ar Youtube apmācībām
Yoga för barn
Joga za djecu
Γιόγκα για παιδιά στο Youtube
Be creative and shoot fun videos or photos!
Be creative and shoot fun videos or photos!
Sé creativo y haz videos o fotos divertidas!
Soyez créatifs et réalisez des vidéos ou des photos amusantes!
Sii creativo e scatta video o foto divertenti!
Bądź kreatywny i kręć zabawne filmy lub zdjęcia!
Yaratıcı olun ve komik videolar veya fotoğraflar çekin!
Будьте креативними і знімайте кумедні відео чи фотографуйте!
Будьте креативны и снимайте забавные видео или фотографии!
كن مبدعًا وقم بتصوير مقاطع فيديو أو صور ممتعة!
იყავით კრეატიული და გადაიღეთ მხიარული ვიდეოები ან გადაიღეთ ფოტოები!
Esiet radošs un fotografējiet smieklīgus video vai fotografējiet!
Var kreativ och skjut roliga videor eller foton!
Budite kreativni i snimajte smiješne videozapise ili fotografirajte!
Η μετάδοση με το ποντίκι.Δευτέρα ως Παρασκευή στις 11:30
Build a marble run out of old toilet paper rolls
Build a marble run out of old toilet paper rolls
Construyan una canica con rollos de papel higiénico viejos
Construction d'une piste du train avec le murmel à partir de vieux rouleaux de papier toilette
Costruite un marmo con vecchi rotoli di carta igienica
Zbudujcie marmurowy wybieg starych rolek papieru toaletowego
Eski tuvalet kağıdı rulolarından yeni seyler inşa edin
Побудуйте мармуровий пробіг зі старих рулонів туалетного паперу
Постройте мрамор из старых рулонов туалетной бумаги.
بناء رخام من لفات ورق التواليت القديمة
სასროლი ბურთის ტუალეტის ქაღალდიდან შექმნა
No veciem tualetes papīra ruļļiem izveidojiet marmora trauku
Bygg en marmor som går ur gamla toalettpappersrullar.
Izgradi stazu za spigle od starih valjaka toaletnog papira
Φτιάξε ένα σιδηροδρομικό με παλιά Ρολά χαρτιού τουαλέτας.
Build a cave of blankets and pillows
Build a cave of blankets and pillows.
Construyan una cueva de mantas y almohadas.
Construisez une grotte de couvertures et d'oreillers.
Costruite una grotta di coperte e cuscini.
Zbudujcie jaskinię z koców i poduszek.
Battaniye ve yastıklar ile bir mağara inşa et
Побудуйте печеру з ковдр та подушок
Постройте пещеру из одеял и подушек.
بناء بيت/ وكر من البطانيات والوسائد.
ააშენეთ მღვიმე საბანით და ბალიშებით
Veidojiet alu ar segām un spilveniem
Bygg en grotta med filtar och kuddar
Izgradite špilju s dekama i jastucima
Ή ένα Αίνιγμα Ζώο-Αναζήτησης.
Present yourselves as animals. The other children guess which animal is shown.
Present yourselves as animals. The other children guess which animal is shown.
Stellt euch gegenseitig als Tier dar. Die anderen Kinder raten welches Tier Ihr seid.
Stellt euch gegenseitig als Tier dar. Die anderen Kinder raten welches Tier Ihr seid.
Preséntense como animales. Los otros niños adivinan qué animal se muestra.
Présentez-vous comme des animaux. Les autres enfants devinent quel animal vous êtes.
Presentatevi come animali. Gli altri bambini indovinano quale animale viene mostrato.
Przedstawcie się jako zwierzęta. Pozostałe dzieci zgadują, o jakim zwierzęciu jest mowa.
Hayvan takliti yapın, diğer çocuklar hangi hayvan olduğunuzu tahmin etsin.
Представляйте один одного як тварину. Інші діти здогадуються, яка ви тварина.
Представьте себя животными. Другие дети угадают, какое животное показано.
قدموا أنفسكم كحيوانات. يخمن الأطفال الآخرون الحيوان الذي يظهر
წარმოადგენენ ერთმანეთს, როგორც ცხოველს, დანარჩენმა ბავშვებმა მიხვდნენ, რომელი ცხოველი ხართ.
Pārstāvējiet viens otru kā dzīvnieku. Pārējie bērni uzminiet, kurš dzīvnieks jūs esat.
Presentera varandra som ett djur. De andra barnen gissar vilket djur du är.
Predstavljaj se kao životinja, a druga djeca nagađaju koja si životinja.
Δημιουργήστε ομάδες και σκαρφιστείτε αγαπημένα ζώα. Τα παιδιά της αντίπαλης ομάδας πρέπει να βρουν ποιο ζώο παριστάνετε.
Think of your own animal quiz.
Think of your own animal quiz.
Macht Tierrätsel wie zum Beispiel
Macht Tierrätsel wie zum Beispiel
Piensa en tu propio concurso de animales.
Pensez à une énigme animale.
Pensa al tuo quiz sugli animali.
Pomyśl o swoim własnym zwierzęcym quizie.
Yapboz Bir hayvan makyaj
Складіть головоломку тварини
Подумай о собственной викторине на животных.
فكر في لغز حيوان.
შეადგინეთ ცხოველის თავსატეხი
Veido dzīvnieku mīklu
Gör ett djurpussel
Sastavite zagonetku o životinjama
Κάνε Αινίγματα ζώων. Όπως για παράδειγμα:
Start a reading circle
Start a reading circle
Startet einen Lesekreis
Startet einen Lesekreis
Iniciar un círculo de lectura
commencer un cercle de lecture
Avviare un cerchio di lettura
Rozpocznij kółko czytelnicze
Kitap okuma etkinliği başlatın
Починає цикл читання
Начните кружок чтения
ابدأ دورة قراءة
იწყებს კითხვის ჯგუფს
Sāk lasīšanas grupu
Starta en läscykel
Započinje ciklus čitanja
Διοργάνωσε ένα κύκλο ανάγνωσης Βιβλίου.
Living room picnic
Living room picnic
Picnic en la sala de estar
pique-nique dans le salon
Soggiorno picnic
Piknik w salonie
Oturma odasında piknik
Пікнік для вітальні
Пикник в гостиной
نزهة في غرفة المعيشة
ორგანიზება მისაღები ოთახი პიკნიკი
Organizējiet viesistabas pikniku
Piknik u dnevnoj sobi
Διοργάνωσε ένα Πικνίκ στο διαμέρισμα
Use online offers such as
Use online offers such as
Online Angebote nutzen wie zum Beispiel
Online Angebote nutzen wie zum Beispiel
Utiliza las ofertas en línea como
Utilise des offres en ligne telles que
Utilizza le offerte online come
Korzystaj z ofert online, takich jak
Online imkanlardan yararlanın
Використовуйте онлайн-пропозиції, такі як
Использовать онлайн предложения, такие как
استخدام العروض عبر الإنترنت مثل
ონლეინ შემოთავაზებები და მაგალითები
Izmantojiet tiešsaistes piedāvājumus, piemēram
Använd onlineerbjudanden som
Koristite internetske ponude kao što su
Χρησιμοποίησε Διαδικτυακές Προσφορές ενασχόλησης όπως για παράδειγμα.
Dear children, now you may consider: what other ideas will you come up with?
Dear children, now you may consider: what other ideas will you come up with?
Liebe Kinder, nun dürft ihr überlegen. Auf welche Ideen kommt ihr noch?
Liebe Kinder, nun dürft ihr überlegen. Auf welche Ideen kommt ihr noch?
Queridos niños, ahora pueden pensar: ¿qué otras ideas se les ocurrirán?
Chers enfants, vous pouvez envisager, maintenant. Quelles autres idées allez-vous proposer ?
Cari figli, ora potete pensare: quali altre idee vi verranno in mente?
Drogie dzieci, teraz możecie się zastanowić: jakie inne pomysły przedstawicie?
Sevgili çocuklar, şimdi siz düşünebilirsiniz. Başka hangi fikirler aklınıza geliyor?
Дорогі діти, тепер ви можете подумати над цим. Які ідеї ви придумали?
Дорогие дети, теперь вы можете подумать: какие еще идеи вы придумаете?
الأطفال الأعزاء ، الآن يمكنك التفكير في الأمر. ما الأفكار التي توصلت إليها؟
ძვირფასო ბავშვებო, ახლა თქვენ შეგიძლიათ იფიქროთ ამაზე. რა იდეები გაქვთ?
Dārgie bērni, tagad jūs varat par to padomāt. Kādas idejas jūs ierosināt?
Kära barn, nu kan du fundera. Vilka idéer kommer du på?
Draga djeco, sada možete razmišljati. Koje ideje jos imate?
Αγαπημένα παιδιά, τώρα μπορείτε και εσείς να σκεφτείτε μερικές Ιδέες.
Scavenger hunt in the own apartment
Scavenger hunt in the own apartment
Schnitzeljagd in der eigenen Wohnung
Schnitzeljagd in der eigenen Wohnung
Caza del tesoro en el propio apartamento
jeu de piste dans le propre appartement
Caccia al tesoro nel proprio appartamento
Zabawa w gry edukacyjne lub planszowe we własnym mieszkaniu
Kendi evinizsw çöpçü avı
Полювання мисливця у власній квартирі
Охота на мусорщиков в собственной квартире
مطاردة زبال في شقتك الخاصة
ნივთებზე ნადირობა საკუთარ ბინაში
Dārgumu medības savā dzīvoklī
Skattjakt i din egen lägenhet
Gusjenicev lov u vlastitom stanu
Κυνήγι κρυμμένου θησαυρού στο Διαμέρισμα.